hello children!

Hellochildren1di james mcallister, capitol/c.e.b. records, bologna 1965 (ristampa 68) è stato, in effetti, il primo dei metodi per imparare l’inglese utilizzati nei tempi antichi adottato dalla sottoscritta.
trattavasi di corso su dischi con libri illustrati da umberto faini; c’era anche in francese e in tedesco.
Hellochildren2le figure mi piacevano molto (allora non notavo che erano assai poco british: per esempio, lo schema della casa raffigura una tipica casa italica) e usai intensamente sia il corso base sia quello avanzato: hello again!

9 risposte a "hello children!"

  1. avi marzo 9, 2005 / 1:06 PM

    basta con questo titillamento bibliofiliaco: è uno stillicidio per il mio cuore sensibile! adesso devi invitarmi a vedere tutte queste tue chicche dal vivo. I demand it !

  2. rose marzo 9, 2005 / 2:24 PM

    molto bene, ma attenzione: è un itinerario in due tappe, milano-lago.

  3. Katherine marzo 9, 2005 / 8:50 PM

    What lovely illustrations, I did a Google translation of this post, you are lucky having language materials with good illustrations. When we learned French we had a book called Tricolore which had photos of sleazy teens from the 1970s dancing to la musique pop. They came with cassettes of people speaking French, some of the men sounded like they ought not to be on something aimed at children and teenagers.

  4. Garnant marzo 9, 2005 / 8:59 PM

    Ho sempre questi strani deja vu…

  5. avi marzo 12, 2005 / 12:27 PM

    katherine, I hope you’ve kept your wonderful French course with the sleazy photos and the sexy/titillating male voice recordings on the cassettes… sounds quite a find ! and it could be worth something for people like me who collect retro material (quotation please and I might buy it off you).
    as for the language issue, maybe we could ask Rose to make this a more bilingual blog…

  6. Katherine marzo 12, 2005 / 8:03 PM

    Sorry Avi they were strictly school property! I did look them up on the net but the first few pages of Google were about the modern editions and I didn’t want to trawl through any more pages I’m afraid. Sadly the school probably just chucked them out.

  7. rose marzo 13, 2005 / 12:42 PM

    uhm, avi, i think i’m just too lazy for that (though i’ve been planning to post in english, once in a while).
    but feel free to comment in english, everybody, it’s allowed!

  8. avi marzo 14, 2005 / 1:12 PM

    hmmm, I suspect that instead of going to jumble sales, parish fetes or car boot sales I should hang around school rubbish tips…

  9. rose marzo 14, 2005 / 1:26 PM

    avi, please!

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